
Breathing: Breathing will be normal, as we do without breathing. respiration won't stop


1. One has to sit in Vajrasana posture.

2. Then keep the thumbs of both hands outside and hold the ankles with both hands. 

3. Then lean forward and keep the palms of the head on the ground in front of the knees.

4. In the digbaji eating posture, the hips should be raised.

Duration: You have to count ten in your mind, then gradually increase from ten to thirty when you get used to it

can be extended. Benefits: Increases memory. Relieves colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis, brain fatigue, thyroid disorders, asthma. Helps to relieve headache, ear inflammation, insomnia. This asana helps in increasing height. This asana increases blood flow to the brain.

Controversy: If you have severe eye disease, neck pain, degenerative bone disease, severe back pain, severe knee and neck pain, and high blood pressure, this asana should not be done.


Respiration: Respiration is normal. We should inhale and exhale as we normally inhale and exhale. Breathing should never be stopped.


1. First you have to bend your knees and sit in knee down position.

2. Now lean back and hold the right ankle with the right hand and the left ankle with the left hand.

3. The thumb will be inside.

4. Slowly tilt the head back.

5. Feet will be leaves on the ground.

The duration should be practiced up to ten counts in mind. After getting used to it, gradually count up to thirty can go.

Benefits: Relieves back pain, constipation, asthma, bronchitis. Expands the chest. the spine keeps flexible.

Caution : People with severe knee pain, body balance problems, polio sufferers, severe eye problems, bone malnutrition should not do this asana without consulting a yoga specialist.


Respiration: Respiration is normal.


1. First one has to sit in Sukhasana (as Babu).

2. Now bend the right leg from the knee and place the right foot on the left thigh in Padmasana posture.

3. Then stand on the right knee with both hands.

4. The left leg will be bent from the knee and the left ankle will be attached to the right knee. The leaves of the left foot will be leaves on the ground. Note that the right knee and foot should be in a straight line.

5. Both hands should be broken from the elbows and kept close to the chest in the posture of salutation.

6.Change the legs and do the same.

Duration: Up to ten counts have to be balanced in mind. Once you get used to it, gradually increase the time

can Benefits: Beneficial for leg muscles. Helps maintain body balance. Removes restlessness and fickleness of mind, increases mental concentration, brings stability to mind.

 Caution : People with knee pain, bone pain should consult yoga experts for this asana.


Breathing: Breathing will be normal.


1. First, you have to sit with your legs spread in front.

2. Then the right leg should be bent from the knee and placed on the left thigh.

3. Then, similarly, the left leg should be folded from the knee and placed on the right thigh.

4. The spine will be straight.

5. Both hands should be kept straight on the knees.

Duration: You have to count ten in your mind, once you get used to it, you can practice up to thirty counts. 

Benefits: This Padmasana is very beneficial for leg muscle weakness and pain, knee pain, shortness of breath on short walks, spinal stiffness, insomnia and memory loss. This asana helps to increase concentration.


Breathing: Breathing will be normal.


1. First sit in Padmasana.

2. Now from this position, you have to lie half on both elbows.

3. The hips should be placed on the palms of both hands.

4. The body should be shaped somewhat like an English 'U' shape.

5. Head and both knees should be kept parallel.

Duration: Keep breathing normal and count to ten.

Benefits: Does not allow accumulation of fat or fat in the stomach. Strengthens abdominal, back and arm muscles. Relieves those suffering from neuralgia.

Contraindications: Knee pain, neck pain should be done only after consulting a doctor.


Breathing = Breathing should be normalized, i.e. the way we inhale or exhale constantly.

Method of practice

Starting position – First sit on the ground with legs spread in front. Feet will be joined. hands body will be next

1. Then bend the knee of the right leg and place the right heel on the left groin. It should be noted that the sole of the right foot should not stick to the side of the thigh of the left leg.

2. Then hold the big toe/ankle of the left foot with both hands and slowly rest the head on the knee.

3. The left leg will be straight.

4. The elbows of both hands should be kept on the ground.

5. After holding the asana in this position (usually as long as possible) return to the starting position must come.

6. Now instead of the left leg, straighten the right leg and practice the asana in the same way. Duration: If you get used to ten counts for each leg, you can increase it to thirty

can Can be done two to three times.

Benefits: This asana removes laziness, heartburn, appetite. Besides, it prevents diabetes, sciatica.

This asana is very useful for nervous weakness, flatulence etc. Moreover, this asana practice increases the flexibility of spine and waist. Leg muscles are toned and strengthened.

Caution : People suffering from high blood pressure, severe knee pain, back pain should refrain from doing this asana Doctor's advice must be taken.


Respiration: Respiration is normal.

Method of practice:

Initial position- First lie down with feet together and straight. Hands will be next to the body. 

1. Both legs should be folded from the knees.

2. Now hold the big toe of the right foot with the right hand and the big toe of the left foot with the left hand.

3. Both the elbows should be kept forward on both sides of the head.

Respiration: Respiration is normal.

Method of practice:

4. Knees should be kept as close as possible.

5. After holding the asana for some time in the final position, slowly return to the starting position will be.

Duration: Count to 10 in mind, it can be gradually increased once you get used to it.

 Benefits: Does not allow accumulation of fat and air in the stomach. Useful in back and waist pain, constipation, heartburn, colitis, asthma. This asana helps to eliminate the defects of the chest structure. Increases flexibility of spine, waist, neck and knees.

Caution: If you have high blood pressure, frozen shoulder, acute bone disease, muscle weakness, etc., do not do this asana on your own. It is recommended to take the advice of yoga specialist and yoga doctor.

Shitali Pranayama

Breathing: Breathing will be normal.


1. If you can't do Padmasana, Ardhapadmasana, you have to become a baby and sit in Sukhasana.

2. Keeping the spine straight, palms of both hands should be kept straight on both knees. 3. Now the tongue has to be narrowed like a tube and inhale slowly, resulting in a cool feeling in the throat

will feel A soft hissing sound will be heard when the air is pulled.

Duration: The practice should start with four second breaths, which can be extended later.

Benefits: This pranayama is especially useful in relieving high blood pressure, nervous tension, nervous weakness, lethargy, fatigue, irritability, restlessness, irritable mood etc. Relieves anxiety.

Brings stability of mind.

Caution: Those who have asthma, are prone to colds and flu, should avoid doing this asana.Expert advice is recommended.


Respiration: Respiration is normal. As we do without breathing. Breathing will not stop. Breathing at a slow, gentle pace helps to concentrate.


1. One has to sit in Sukhasana (Babu pose) or Padmasana.

Keeping spine straight, both hands should be kept straight on both knees.

9. Eyes must be closed.

8. Fingers should be kept straight except the tips of index and thumb. Hands on knees

Must be done.

&. In this state, meditate on breath, sun, moon, burning candle or light, Jyoti, sky, clouds, water, music of sound instrument, and any thought of Gurudev, parents, Ishwar or God or Allah etc.
